take account of

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take account of

更新时间:2025-02-11 05:23:52

英 [teik əˈkaunt ɔv]

美 [tek əˈkaʊnt ʌv]

take account of基本解释

考虑到; 顾及; 体谅


  • 网络解释

1. 考虑,重视:take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心 | take account of 考虑,重视 | take pleasure in 以......为乐


2. 考虑:40.take part in doing=participate in doing参加; | 41. take account of考虑; | 42. attach to使依恋, 把...放在;

3. take account of

3. 考虑到 顾及 体谅:on no account 绝不√ | take account of 考虑到 顾及 体谅 | add up 加起来


4. 对某事加以考虑;对某事加以注意:take effect 生效 | take account of 对某事加以考虑;对某事加以注意 | turn into 把...变成...;把...翻译成...

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Finally, recompile the collaboration template to take account of the changes made.(最后,重新编译协作模板使更改奏效。)
To be sure you are seeing valid results rather than artefacts of the models, you need to take account of all the ways that can happen.(为了确保从模型中得到真实而非伪造的结果,就必须考虑所有可能发生的相互关系。)
What we're going to do, however, is take account of another problem.(我们接下来,要考虑另外一个问题。)
How often should the relative weights be changed? How should one take account of quality improvements?(我们应该多久改变一次相对权重,还应如何把生活质量的改进纳入考虑范围呢?)
Rather than revise to take account of all that has happened in the world of high tech since then, I have made only minor changes of style.(我并没有将自那时以来高科技领域发生的一切补充记录下来,而仅仅是做了文字上的轻微改动。)
Southerners are surely more polite than of old, if you take account of how whites address blacks.(可以肯定的是,南方人比以往更为有礼有节,如果把白人对黑人的称谓也算在内的话。)
Predictions based on past patterns of mortality, they say, fail to take account of trends among the young.(他们指出,那种基于过去的死亡率的预测方式没有考虑到年轻人的变化趋势。)
So a fuller explanation of procrastination really needs to take account of our attitudes to the tasks being avoided.(所以,拖延症的一个更完整的解释应该将我们对所躲避的任务的态度考虑进去。)
For the system to take account of differences between individuals, anyone undergoing the test has to have a 'baseline' assessment first.(考虑到不同个体之间的差异对系统的影响,任何接受测试的人必须首先通过“基准测试”。)
Instead, they should be flexible en ough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.(他们应该是灵活的,考虑到各种实际情况、时间和地点。)
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